Connect . Inspire . prosper

Build the brand of your dreams

what we do.

content creation

Showing off your skill, knowledge, and personality are the first jumping off points when building your dream Equine Brand.

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marketing strategy

Walking the course is the only way to know how many strides to ride, you have to know where you are going. Marketing your business is the same way, let’s get into it…

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Social Media

Horses bring us together and everyone has different talents, skills, and personalities to offer. Find your tribe that you can speak to and grow with.

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who is kb media?

Kelly Berry

I am the horse girl with a camera in one my hand and a lead line in the other most days. My two greatest passions have been combined to what you see right here. As all of us, fellow equines, horses have taught me more about myself than any therapist ever could and for that I am a better business woman, wife, friend, and equestrian.

We are all familiar with the dedication to train day in and day out to achieve our goals with our four legged partners, working your business is no different, you have to put in the work. My job is to give you the skills needed to achieve your highest goals. Even when it’s cold and rainy we have to be out there fighting for our dreams each and every step.

How do we get there?

Creating a plan that works for you

Just like most things, getting started is the hardest part. Where do you even begin? Let’s talk about it and dive into what holds the most weight and what can provide the most impact in the beginning.