Build the barn, and they will come

Full Service

We are a full service agency that can help and assist in making your equine business goals a reality and get you show ready in no time.

  • Foundational Goal Mapping

  • Marketing & Content Strategy

  • Content Creation

  • Social Media Posting and Planning

  • Consulting on Collaborations and Brand Deals

  • Website Maintenance

  • Email Marketing

“There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorite places is on the back of my horse.”

Rolf Kopfle


Kelly Berry
Holds BFA from Georgia Southern University in Photography

They say if you do what you love you will never work a day in your life and that has rang true for me still after being in business for over 14 years now.

Combining my two greatest passions felt like a no brainer, but the biggest joy I have found is creating dream businesses for my clients. Us horse people wear our hearts on our selves and helping and teaching my clients the skills to grow and prosper is my driving force. We all know the time and dedication we put to our crafts and it needs to be shared, showcased, and heard all over the world, that is the power of good marketing and strategy. That is what I am here to do for you.